Monday, August 24, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Impossibility of Certainty in Hamlet
The Impossibility of Certainty in Hamlet â€Å"Doubt is that perspective where the examiner faces no single answer nor the absence of one, yet rather a decision between a couple of choices. ††Harry Levin in The Question of Hamlet It is proper that William Shakespeare’s Hamlet is viewed as the Bard’s most prominent emotional conundrum, for misconception is the unavoidable state of Hamlet’s journey for surenesses. In addition to the fact that hamlet is stupefied by astounding dreams and by orders apparently unequipped for satisfaction, yet he is likewise the survivor of distortion by those around him.The passing on Hamlet encourages the fair Horatio to â€Å"report me and my motivation aright To the unsatisfied†, on the grounds that none of the characters aside from Horatio have gotten in excess of a brief look at Hamlet’s genuine circumstance (V. ii. 371-372). We as a watching crowd, hearing the inward musings and mystery plots of pretty much every noteworthy character, ought to recall that we know inconceivably more than the play’s characters. In Hamlet, we can't imagine that we are ignorant of what occurs straightaway or how everything comes outâ essay author trick. This is Shakespeare’s most extravagant wellspring of sensational irony.However, the characters are confronted with rival choices: to vindicate or not to vindicate, regardless of whether a Ghost originates from paradise or from damnation. It is this uncertainty, this reluctance notwithstanding two prospects, that is key to Hamlet at each level. Hamlet is a play of misconception and obstruction. Its focal topic is the trickiness of information and conviction. From the absolute first scene, the play builds up vulnerability through the inquisitive discourse between Barnado, Francisco, Marcellus, and Horatio: Barnardo: Who’s there? Francisco: Nay, answer me. Stand and unfurl yourself Barnardo: Say, what, is Horatio there? Horatio: A b it of him. (I. I. 1-24) Having set up a disposition of dread and vulnerability, the spirit of the Ghost causes Horatio to proclaim â€Å"It harrows me with dread and wonder†(I. I. 51). This contradictory position of words elevates the paranormal and frightful setting of the play. The â€Å"portentous†Ghost goes about as a sign for what is to come (I. I. 121). The apparently unrestrained monolog where Claudius advances to his subjects to acknowledge the legitimacy of his union with Gertrude indications that the new King is putting on a veneer. Peruse increasingly about Dramatic CriticismClaudius utilizes numerous oxymoronic expressions to attempt to accommodate the passing of Old Hamlet and Claudius’ ensuing union with Gertrude, for example, â€Å"With gaiety in burial service and with requiem in marriage†(I. ii. 12). This musically adjusted however fundamentally offensive sentence serves to feature that there is something suspect and â€Å"Rotten†in the territory of Denmark. Claudius further authorizes the possibility that nothing can truly be trusted. Thus, the connection between the activities and interior points of view of individuals is clear in the plotting Polonius.Polonius is likewise a man with little trustworthiness equipped for incredible misdirection. He tells his child Laertes, â€Å"To thine own self be true†(I. iii. 84). In any case, later Polonius enrolls Reynaldo to keep an eye on his child, expressing, â€Å"Your snare of lie take this Carp of truth†(II. I. 70). This similitude and the oxymoronic arrangement of â€Å"falsehood†and â€Å"truth†embody the nearness of duality in the play. He excuses Reynaldo saying, â€Å"You have me, Have you not? †(II. I. 75). The vulnerability and absence of trust inside the play is reflected in the chiastic language structure of this sentence.Polonius is doubting of his own hireling. The suggestions to old Greece and Rome all through Hamlet further help the thoughts of duality and trickiness. Hamlet, in a likeness, thinks about his dad to Claudius like â€Å"Hyperion to a Satyr†(I. ii. 144). Hamlet later has the Players recount lines alluding to the â€Å"ominous horse†of Troy (II. ii. 479). Polonius makes a reference to Brutus’ disloyalty of Julius Caesar (III. ii. 109-110). Every one of the three of these references add to the duality and misleading obvious in the play.A Satyr is just a large portion of a man, the Trojan pony is proclaimed as one of the most tri cky and beguiling methods for success, and Julius Caesar is killed by individuals he thought were faithful to him. David Bevington notes in his critique on Hamlet that the name Claudius originates from two words. The first is the action word claudo, which means â€Å"to imprison†. The second is the descriptor claudus, which means â€Å"disabled, faltering, or uncertain†(Bevington). It's a given that a character whose name actually implies â€Å"uncertain†features the subject of uncertainty that is evident through the entire play.The appearance of the Players and their introduction of â€Å"The Murder of Gonzago†in Act 3 additionally show guile inside the content. Hamlet alters the play inside a play to have it mirror the homicide of his dad. This emotional gadget evokes the idea of appearance versus reality. The duality of Claudius, Polonius, and Hamlet show the absence of assurance and unadulterated truth inside the play. The never-ending look for sig nificance and addressing of the set up request inside the play mirrors the unreachability of truth and assurance in more prominent society.Hamlet’s various speeches of self-doubting and self-hatred paint a picture of a man defeat by agonizing self-perception. Morris Weitz takes note of that Hamlet’s talks give indications of existentialism (â€Å"How exhausted, stale, level and unbeneficial appear to me all the employments of this world†, I. ii. 137-138), relativism (â€Å"For there is no good thing nor at the same time, however thinking makes it so†, I. ii. 268-270), and moral subjectivism (â€Å"Vicious mole of nature†¦in their birth†¦wherin†¦they are not liable since nature can't pick his origin†, I. iv. 27-29).Although the Greek Sophists had fiddled with these ideas, and Socrates had once stated, â€Å"The just thing I know is that I know nothing†, this scrutinizing of the cultural and philosophical standards of the time w as progressive and unrivaled (Weitz). The King at the hour of Hamlet’s distribution was James I, who had avowed the â€Å"Divine Right of Kings†to run the show. When the sway of the Monarchy ruled, Hamlet’s addressing of the great beyond, (â€Å"To be, or not to be†¦what dreams may come†, III. I. 64-74), grievance at the imbalance n the world (â€Å"Th’ Oppressor†¦that quiet value of the contemptible takes†, III. I. 79-82), and dismissal of the predominance of Monarchs (â€Å"Our rulers and outstretched saints the beggars’ shadows†, II. ii. 282-283), is a demonstration of the subtlety of conviction and truth in the play. The topics of duality and double dealing and the quest for significance and request are key to the fundamental message of Hamlet that assurance is out of reach. This duality makes up the whole structure of Hamlet, demonstrating that, â€Å"A twofold gift [truly] is a twofold grace†(I. iii. 58 ). Works Cited Bevington, David M. Introduction.Twentieth Century Interpretations of Hamlet ; a Collection of Critical Essays. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1968. 1-12. Print. Levin, Harry. â€Å"Interrogation, Doubt, Irony: Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis. †The Question of Hamlet. New York: Oxford UP, 1959. 48+. Print. Weitz, Morris. Presentation. Hamlet and the Philosophy of Literary Criticism. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1964. Vii-Xiii. Print. Book reference Bevington, David M. Presentation. Twentieth Century Interpretations of Hamlet ; a Collection of Critical Essays. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1968. 1-12. Print. Levin, Harry. Cross examination, Doubt, Irony: Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis. †The Question of Hamlet. New York: Oxford UP, 1959. 48+. Print. Weitz, Morris. â€Å"Hamlet: Philosophy the Intruder. †Shakespeare, Philosophy, and Literature: Essays. Ed. Morris Weitz and Margaret Collins. New Studies in Esthetics 10. New York: Lang, 1995. 17-33 Weitz, Morris. Presentation. Hamlet and the Philosophy of Literary Criticism. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1964. Vii-Xiii. Print. West, Rebecca. â€Å"A Court and World Infected by the Disease of Corruption. †Readings on Hamlet. By Don Nardo. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven, 1999. 106-11. Print.
Thursday, July 16, 2020
Experiment Design Does Using Colored Paper Improve Learning
Experiment Design Does Using Colored Paper Improve Learning Student Resources Print Colored Paper and Impact on Learning Experiment By Kendra Cherry facebook twitter Kendra Cherry, MS, is an author, educational consultant, and speaker focused on helping students learn about psychology. Learn about our editorial policy Kendra Cherry Updated on December 02, 2019 Steven Errico/DIgital Vision/Getty Images More in Student Resources APA Style and Writing Study Guides and Tips Careers Some people say that using colored paper or text rather than plain white paper or black font can improve learning and performance. One claim is that printing text on green paper helps students read better, while another is that yellow paper helps students perform better on math exams. How accurate are these claims? Heres how to design a psychology experiment around this theory. The Foundation of a Psychology Experiment Does the color of the paper or the color of the text really have an impact on how much a student learns or how well they perform on an exam? These questions form a great basis for a psychology experiment that you can perform yourself. If you are looking for a psychology experiment idea for a high school or college course, consider testing whether the color of paper and/or the color of the text impacts test results or memory. Possible Research Questions When preparing an experiment about color and learning, you may choose one of these questions to study in your experiment: Does using colored paper increase scores on a math test?Does using a different colored font increase scores on a math test?Does using colored paper increase reading comprehension?Does using a different colored font increase reading comprehension?Does printing text on green paper increase reading comprehension over other colors of paper, such as yellow, blue or brown?What color text works best for reading comprehension?What color text works best for math scores?Does using colored paper boost memory? Developing Your Hypothesis After you have chosen a research question, your next step is to develop a hypothesis. Your hypothesis should be an educated guess about what you think will happen in the experiment. For example, a possible hypothesis might be one of the following: Students who take a math test printed on colored paper will perform better than students who take the same math test printed on white paper.Students who read text printed on colored paper will perform better on a reading comprehension test than students who read the same text printed on white paper. Choose Participants, Develop Study Materials, and Identify Your Key Variables When it comes to choosing participants for your study, talk to your instructor. In some cases, you might be able to conduct your experiment with other students in your psychology or science course. If this is not possible, it is essential to get permission from your teacher before proceeding to work with any group of participants. After you have selected a group of participants, create the materials that you will use in your experiment. For this psychology experiment, your materials might include a math test printed on different colors of paper, reading selections printed on different colors of paper and/or with different colored fonts and reading comprehension tests. Next, determine the key variables of your experiment. These variables may differ depending on the exact hypothesis you decided to investigate. For example, if you are researching whether or not colored paper increases reading comprehension, your independent variable would be the color of the paper and the dependent variable would be the scores on the reading comprehension test. Collect and Analyze Data and Report on the Results After you have collected the data for your experiment, analyze the results. Did the color of the paper used have any effect on your dependent variable? Were the results of the experiment statistically significant? Write up your results in the manner required by your instructors, such as a bulletin board presentation or a lab report. 23 Great Psychology Experiment Ideas to Explore
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Madame Loisel Is Unhappy Because She Is Ashamed Of Her...
Madame Loisel is unhappy because she is ashamed of her social standing. Madame Loisel has always dreamed of a luxurious life with servants and such, and is unhappy because she is not wealthy. She becomes even more upset when she was invited to a ball. It upsets her because she thinks she has anything to wear which is appropriate for the occasion. Then she is upset because she doesn t have appropriate jewelery. However the base of those complaints that she is unhappy in her social standing. Mme. Loisel gave four hundred francs to Matilda, which he had saved for gun.He is very simple hearted person He is a kind, generous, loyal, hard working clerk for ministry of the education. He is a caring husband. He wants see Mme. Loisel happy. Mme. Loisel was great success at the ball. She was prettier than any other woman present there. All the men were greatly impressed by her beauty, grace and personality. She stood taller than all other women at the party by her sheer elegance. All those present there, kept looking at her and they asked her, her name. They wanted to be introduced to her as they thought that she belonged to the upper class of society. All the attaches of the cabinet wanted to dance with her. She got a lot of attention from everyone. Mme. Loisel was a success. She was prettiest of them all, elegant, gracious, smiling and mad with joy. All the men were looking at her, inquiring her name and asking to be introduced. All the attaches of the cabinet wanted to dance
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Current State Of New Zealand And The United States Of...
Over the last thirty years the economic rise of China has contributed to a worldwide shift in power. Discussing the current state of New Zealand’s relationship with both China and the United States of America (USA), this essay will outline likely future foreign policy choices. Authors such as Mosher and Krauthammer see the rise of China as a threat to the West that must be contained, a view which is not widely accepted. With reference to New Zealand’s recent economic and strategic success this essay will suggest that future foreign policy must work to deepen relations with both countries. New Zealand must not choose between China nor the USA, instead a broad based approach to trade and international relations should be maintained. In 2008 New Zealand was the first of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development countries to sign a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with China. As a result China has overtaken the USA as our second largest trading partner, with exports increasing from NZ$2.3 billion in 2008 to NZ$6.7 billion in 2012. In 2010 New Zealand set the goal of doubling two way trade with China by 2015, a goal which was achieved a full year earlier. Speaking to the New Zealand Institute of International Affairs (NZIIA) in 2010 John Key described New Zealand China relations as â€Å"unquestionably and unashamedly an economic relationship†. Without pausing the New Zealand and Chinese governments have been quick to capitalize on this recent economic success. TheShow MoreRelatedNew Zealand s Export And Export Essay1576 Words  | 7 Pages1. Introduction The following document gives a brief report about New Zealand’s current import and export spend and relation to other countries, industrial sector, and products. Besides, it also explains about the trade agreements in which New Zealand is party to and agreements which are under negotiation and proposed. 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Economic and Environmental benefits of Green walls Free Essays
string(60) " a edifice in full Sun, shadiness, and inside of a edifice\." Introduction Green wall and its necessity The life, organic systems characterized by green walls, are integrated with the inorganic and exanimate constructions are ruling modern architecture and holds the promise of a new type of ‘living ‘ architecture. Green walls are by and large walls that are portion of the Building covered with flora. They are similar perpendicular garden largely formed with creeper system on the exterior wall with the roots on the land or with free standing vertically framed wall with different native workss grown on the surface. We will write a custom essay sample on Economic and Environmental benefits of Green walls or any similar topic only for you Order Now They are besides termed as bio walls or populating walls since they act as natural air-conditioner as they purifies and cools the ambient air to a big extent making a healthy environment. The deepest menace of planetary heating is the rapid urbanisation and deforestation. There is a considerable addition of co2 emanation and heat transportation. This impact is utmost in the urban status where the vegetation/ verdure are sparse. Besides in the urban conditions largely all the edifices are glazed and air-conditioned with out any ways of neither thermic insularity, nor are they shaded with thick environing landscape. This is fundamentally due to the infinite restraints and optimisation. In such ambitious instances Green wall is the best option which acts as a good shading device against heat addition and energy losingss, pollution etc. Hence, Green walls are must in urban conditions. Economic and Environmental benefits of Green walls The economic and environmental benefits are many. They result in significant energy nest eggs, extension of constructing life, CO2 gaining control, acoustics and Aestheticss. Energy Conservation: Vegetation on walls can help in chilling edifices in summer and insulating them in winter. Decrease of thermic lading to edifices consequences lower warming and chilling costs which in bend lowers carbon emanations. Jacklyn Johnston and John Newton ( 2004 ) Health: These mounting workss on green walls filter out dust and other pollutants. Jacklyn Johnston and John Newton ( 2004 ) Decrease of heat island consequence consequences in less reflected heat. Air purification: workss filter pollution particularly when used inside edifices. Noise fading: It acts as sound barrier ensuing in quieter edifices and streets. Green walls can roll up over 30kgs per M2 of rainwater. Increased urban biomass. Jacklyn Johnston and John Newton ( 2004 ) clears the fact that ‘There is a widespread belief that workss are unfriendly to construct constructions, rending out howitzer and prying isolated articulations with their roots. The grounds suggests that these jobs have been greatly overdone, except where decay has already set in and so workss can so speed up the procedure of impairment. ‘ There is small grounds that workss damage walls. In fact in most of the instances the exact opposite is true, with workss covering the wall helps in protecting the wall from harmful elements, solar radiation which in bend reduces the thermal tensenesss within the construction. Autochthonal sustainable elements and their benefits Autochthonal sustainable elements are the simple elements which are locally available and considered as waste or least prioritized. For illustration, the coconut shells in the state like India which are available in copiousness are merely disposed or burnt to ashes even though they have high thermic coefficient and suitableness for insulation/ acoustics. Similarly, stuffs like Clay, Bamboo, Jungle/ Pine/Rubber wood, Cork etc carry untarnishing consequence in the field of sustainable Architecture when used suitably. Apart from their interesting feature they are besides economic. RESEARCH QUESTION/OBJECTIVE: Department of energies green palisade demand to be green? The realistic aim of this research is to make more gratifying greener metropoliss which in bend bring legion benefits to the environing environment. In the about all the Urban locations of the universe where the CO2 emanation is highly high due to assorted factors have barely any good flora to command environmental pollution. Unfortunately, in such locations the construct of sustainability like ‘Green wall ‘ gets relegated to the 2nd topographic point due to building and care cost. The thought is to turn to to these countries and besides to heighten the benefits of â€Å" Green walls ‘ with some medicative value. This needs to be achieved by placing native herbal workss and besides, to analyze and introduce in the country of low cost autochthonal elements like coconut shells, bamboo, cane, Jute, cork, ect as building stuffs to supplement to sustainable design. LITERATURE REVIEW: Green walls are easy deriving value and are considered valuable for chilling the Urban infinite than green roofs in states like Japan. But the green wall is still new to states like India and China. Jacklyn Johnston and John Newton ( 2004 ) states that ‘This is a great commiseration, because even in those metropoliss comparatively good endowed with greenspace many countries can justifiably be regarded as comeuppances in biological footings. ‘ Nigel Dunnett and Noel Kingsbury ( 2004 ) Green wall is widely practiced in Europe and it is rather common in France and Germany to see house covered in Virginia creeper or vines which are influenced by Mediterranean clime. Jacklyn Johnston and John Newton ( 2004 ) states that ‘We necessitate appropriate development which incorporates an ecological attack to edifice and landscape. ‘ This means that the land lost in the building of edifices and roads should be replaced with a bed of workss on the difficult surfaces. By thi s manner green tegument can be strategically added to make a new web of flora associating roofs, courtyards, walls and unfastened infinites. Different types of green walls There are two different types: Green frontages and Living walls Green facades: are wall systems where workss cover back uping constructions rooted at the base of the construction. Supporting construction can either be a bing wall or built as freestanding constructions. Populating walls: ( besides called bio walls or perpendicular gardens ) composed of pre-vegetated modular panels that are fixed to a structural wall or freestanding frame. Modular panels comprises of polypropene plastic containers, geotextiles, irrigation system, turning medium and flora. Populating walls can be installed on the outside of a edifice in full Sun, shadiness, and inside of a edifice. You read "Economic and Environmental benefits of Green walls" in category "Essay examples" They grow good in both tropical and temperate clime. Due to immense assortment of workss used, populating walls require more intensive care than green frontages like regular lacrimation, adding foods and fertilisers. Different types of green facade support constructions The two primary types are Modular treillage systems: Panels which are stiff and lightweight are installed vertically as wall-mounted or freestanding. They can besides be used on tall edifices along side with intermediate plantation owners. Modular treillage systems are indispensable where the physical growing of mounting workss is restricted. Freestanding constructions: are stiff panels such as green columns or canopy signifiers that can be placed on either on edifice walls where either the infinite is limited or burden is restricted. The panels can besides be used as shading devices for a unfastened parking country. Cable and rope wire systems: this system consist high-tensile steel overseas telegrams, wire treillages, spacers, and extra equipment. Vertical and horizontal wires are connected through cross clinchs to organize a treillage system of coveted sizes and forms. Stainless steel wire-rope cyberspace is supported on flexible or stiff frames to cover big countries. Best works types to utilize for green walls Jacklyn Johnston and John Newton ( 2004 ) Sing the relationship between the types of works used and the facet of the walls where they will turn is besides a really of import facet. Deciduous workss are the most suited on the south side of a edifice. In the summer their dense leaf shields the edifice from sunshine and creates chilling consequence. In winter foliages are shed, leting sunshine to make the surface of the wall so assisting to warm the inside of the edifice. Similarly on a west-facing wall it is reasonable to utilize evergreens to protect the edifice from rain and supply a shock absorber of air to assist insularity. North confronting walls are best for back uping native herbs and wider scopes of workss. East walls may fall into either class. Plants used on exterior edifice walls are exposed to harsher climactic milieus than those of indoors. Hence for edifice that intend to make great highs, more stalwart species of workss should be selected. Similarly, for less works friendly climes, climbers that are tolerant for air current and heat should be selected. Nigel Dunnett and Noel Kingsbury ( 2004 ) On wooden walls and other constructions, species with really heavy growing or a thick ramification wont should be avoided, as the construction may non be able to back up the weight. Plant choice will hold major impact on the design of the back uping system. For case, a denser and faster turning works will necessitate a larger infinite between supports than less aggressive works species. The denseness of works life further impacts the implicit in construction. Greater the leaf surface country, the more impact rain will hold on the weight of the system. Green wall installing and care Jacklyn Johnston and John Newton ( 2004 ) Small herbaceous species are able to turn on walls by taking root in the substance of the wall itself. But other species are of course adapted to mounting up and over obstructions such as stone faces, trees and bush. Some sort of support construction is indispensable for these workss to turn successfully. For illustration, climbers such as hops support themselves by gyrating upwards around an object. They will necessitate lumber battings, trellis work, steel overseas telegrams or plastic ropes. Although some creeper can cleave straight onto walls by their roots, they require a unsmooth surface to enable them to make so. Ramble oning workss such as bramble and mounting rose need wide-meshed grid constructions to which they can be attached. A 50x50cm fretwork of treated lumber mounted on wooden stations ( or an tantamount construction utilizing overseas telegrams, rope or sacking ) will supply an equal support for a scope of species. Whenever p ossible it is reasonable to go forth small spread between the facade of the edifice and the supporting construction to maximize the effects of summer chilling and winter insularity. The constructions help in administering the weight of the workss across the supporting construction and wall. In overseas telegram and rope wire systems, ground tackles and turnbuckles have to be installed at the terminal of each overseas telegram for fastening and accommodations as and when required. Jacklyn Johnston and John Newton ( 2004 ) Polypropylene cladding tiles incorporates rainproof membranes and their ain irrigation system. Plants could be established on these and so hung on the exterior of a edifice. Depending on species, mounting workss by and large require a good supply of H2O and occasional pruning. Supporting constructions require less care, with lone occasional monitoring of the supporting construction. Jacklyn Johnston and John Newton ( 2004 ) For mounting workss the land should be prepared merely like for any tree or bush by making a cavity and adding in some compost to the top 30cm.Pre-grown panels for populating walls needs 6-12 months for workss to turn prior to bringing and installing. The panels are grown horizontally until it is shipped to the site after which it can be mounted vertically. Climbing workss should be selected that do non supply a nutrient beginning for unwanted plagues and insects. Excessive growing or dead wood should be removed sporadically and standing H2O should be avoided. LEED points for utilizing green walls LEED has several credits for green walls when used in edifices. Sustainable Sites Credit 7.1: Landscape Design that Reduces Urban Heat Islands ( 1 point ) . Solar coefficient of reflection of a edifice is greatly reduced by exterior green walls, therefore cut downing the urban heat island consequence. Water Efficiency Credits 1.1, 1.2: Water Efficient Landscaping ( 1 to 2 points ) . Harvested stormwater can be used for irrigating the workss of the green walls. Use merely collected, recycled, or nonpotable H2O may besides add on to this recognition. Water Efficiency Credit 2: Advanced Wastewater Technologies ( 1 point ) . Green walls can move as a medium for utilizing effluent intervention. Energy and Atmosphere Credit 1: Optimize Energy Performance ( 1 to 10 points ) . Building ‘s mechanical systems use can be reduced greatly by green walls which acts as extra insularity for the construction and besides provides natural chilling. Invention in Design Credits 1-4: Invention in Design ( 1 to 4 points ) . Green walls can lend to innovative effluent direction or airing systems. KNOWLEDGES AND GAPS What is the consciousness on Green walls in the states like India? Green Building Movement in India – Catalysts and Course India is witnessing unbelievable growing in substructure and building sector. The building industry in India happens to be one of the largest economic activities. As this sector is turning quickly, continuing the environment poses batch of challenges and at the same clip nowadayss chances. The building sector hence needs to lend towards environmental duty. Green wall constructs are at emerging phase in India chiefly due to high initial cost and deficiency of a native merchandise to turn to the same. But still it offers great potency which asks for greater apprehension and germinating an autochthonal merchandise by Indian Architects/ Landscape interior decorators. How cost witting developed states are and how it is of import? Most of the developed states are focused on the engineering of future and the art of modern architecture plays critical function where the value of simple autochthonal elements gets neglected. In that instance, even in the name of modernisation most of the development states are besides acquiring inspired by the developed states. Cost effectual design ever carries value at the clip of crisis and recession. It besides speaks its untasted appeal as they are formed largely with natural elements. Invention: An Indian based Agriculturist who tried organic agriculture ‘elunkathir pannai ‘ with the protection of bio fencing created with the native herb teas and workss. The consequence proved to be amazing and achieved good output. The interesting secrete behind it is, all the air born plagues are filtered and killed by of course available herbal marauders. This inspires and even strengthens the construct of Green walls for the urban infinites besides. And that is one of my enterprise and portion of the research utilizing native herb teas to accomplish medicative benefits. Sustainability is mostly being practised in assorted Fieldss. But in most of the instances they are non cost effectual. The other portion of my invention is to accommodate low cost sustainable design with simple autochthonal elements like Coconut shell, Clay plaster, Cork, Bamboo, Jungle/pine wood etc. at appropriate countries. DATA AND INFORMATION TO BE COLLECTED: Detailss of Green wall construction/installation Supports and frames Plants species for indoor and out door Irrigation system inside informations Lighting inside informations Care Samples How to roll up informations and How to analyze it? Already garnering information from the service suppliers of assorted topographic points on green wall building and care facets. In the procedure of acquiring associated with a Horticulturalist/ Agriculturalist to acquire inside informations on the workss species and their behavior. Apart from the above, I have collected sufficient literature to travel frontward. Besides, analysis of each component will be carried out through theoretical accounts and tools by roll uping all the needed samples from the mentioned resources. Planning The construct of green wall has to be incorporated in design and the same will be detailed and fine-tuned towards the research subject as a survey theoretical account. As portion of advanced design the use of autochthonal sustainable elements will besides be adopted. Features of the autochthonal elements available in the underdeveloped states like India are tremendous. Will be after them suitably in design specification based on their features and besides, following with ergonomic criterions. POSSIBLE Result Sing all the urban infinites which are wholly responsible for the expletive ‘Global warming ‘ on this female parent Earth, as a responsible Architect would work towards through my thesis to attest and turn out Green walls and other simple autochthonal stuffs as low-cost solution for all the Urban conditions and warrant the use of green wall for a infinite which is non-Air-conditioned. The other issue which is endangering the universe is the recession which besides calls for advanced cost effectual practise in the building and specification. Initiative to accomplish the same with cost effectual autochthonal stuffs is a challenge yet it will be proven possible. â€Å" It is ever better to be after and protect, instead than repent and fix †Bibliography: Property World- August 2009 The Hindu-Elunkathirpannai- Arunachlam-Thursday,2008 The Architects Journal, Building Library Get downing with Plants-Dougherty, David Green walls Austrialia Pvt ltd. hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // Green Building Movement in India – Catalysts and Course How to cite Economic and Environmental benefits of Green walls, Essay examples
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Montecarlo Simulation free essay sample
Economy is the necessity of the consumers as well as to gain the utmost credit for it. In that way our superlative innovation of â€Å"VIVO†light has its own personal history which has originated the greatest solution for the community these times. By this time, all should have been aware of the outrageous news about the ‘rising of electric bill’. One could hardly expect anyone to accept the situation. Especially people who live in areas where there’s neither electricity nor power supply. There are people who often go for adventurous trips where they are greatly in need of light. Lighting with less capacity is always not an effective way to hold the light. There lies the problem but not without a solution which is a simple one. In this situation our team had a technical advanced resource that came up with the solution. It is none other than the â€Å"VIVO†- LED rechargeable light itself. We will write a custom essay sample on Montecarlo Simulation or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It has the power of luminescence which will continuously last long hours. As we have just incorporated the company, the business is in the infant stage. Further we hope to identify it as legal soon 2. 2 Vision Statement â€Å"We develop the solutions beyond your expectations based on cutting edge technologies interlinked with economy and ecology. †2. 3 Mission Statement â€Å"To be the leading integrated system and lights supplier to the global to the micro electronics industry and to offer complete energy saving solutions to customers for their lighting needs and providing total customer satisfaction with our highly innovative and cost-effective products. †2. 4 Business Model We focus to produce one of the essential products to the customer with a standard product design and size. We have a bunch of knowledgeable and talented team to produce our initial set of production. At the mean time we target to market our products through direct marketing tool. Because we believe Door Step marketing would facilitate us to approach each and every customer individually. We mainly concentrate our product with high quality and the relationship with our customers by providing better service. Also we hope this will create a primary value for our firm. In future we hope to spread our product to Sri Lanka, island wide. 03. PRODUCT PLAN 3. 1 Features The product will be designed based on the emerging technology of Light Emitting Diode (LED). Currently the Sri Lankan market for this type of product is dominated by imported Lamps from China, which mostly contains a florescent tube lamp inside. As per the market research the problem with these type of lamps are; these will provide light usable for maximum of one hour, even if the rechargeable battery inside is charged fully for more than three hours. The main contributor for this inefficient performance is the florescent tube lamp used. This lamp will consume more power than LED lamps. And the brightness will also be lower than a five watts Light Emitting Diode (LED). The target customers of the company’s product are unable to use these imported lamps for the purpose of studying, working and adventurous travelling. So their needs will be satisfied with this product since the proposed product will be designed by using large number of LEDs and a rechargeable battery which is compatible and portable. It is efficient to the extent that, it will provide more hours lighting with the charging time of only few hours and more charging time will increase the usage time. . 2 Key Attributes Company is planning to incorporate two functions in the product using the LED units. That is the unit will have an Active mode and a Bright mode for convenience of the user. Bright mode: This mode is the differentiating feature of the company’s product from other lamps. This is where the unit will be supplied with more power, to the extent that the LEDs will function with its full capacity. So the lamp can be used for studying, cooking or travelling in night purposes. Active mode: This is where the Light emitting diode will be supplied with low power using a small circuit with a help of a switch. This will result in the lamps, emitting light at a lower capacity than its full capacity. This mode can be used to place the lamp in a hall area where you don’t need too much bright. This will significantly reduce the power consumption and increase the operating hours of the unit while the durability of the LED will improve and the battery life will also increase. 3. 3 Enhancements The firm is planning to enhance its product to the extent that, it will charge itself using solar panel technology. Currently the firm is unable to incorporate this technology, because it is not having sufficient financial aid. But once it is established in the market place it will be possible to get additional bank loan or any other sources of financing. Then the firm will be able to produce more number of units with additional features. After the incorporation of this new technology the product may be subject to a price revision and this may increase the piece. The product is made up with light emitting diodes, this means that there is low probability that this unit will fail due to the failure of this LEDs. But the riskier part is the rechargeable battery, where the average life of a battery is around two years, so that in order to be more cautious, company is expecting to give a one year warranty for its customers. 3. 4 Product Strategy The opportunity identification suggests that, the people who suffer with the increased electricity tariffs and who are trying to reduce their electricity expenses are expecting some other forms of lighting. On the other hand there are certain areas of the country that do not supplied with the power by the electricity board, in order to carry out the native’s chores. So this Market Gap analysis helped the emergence of the efficient rechargeable LED lamps. Initially the target segment of the firm is the consumers who live in the North and in the up country of Sri Lanka as the company has small distribution channels to market the products in these areas. After wards within the next three years it will expand the target market and company will sell the product to at least 50% of the consumers in Sri Lanka covering Eastern, Western, Sabaragamuva, Central and Uva Provinces. Currently the product strategy is to produce the rechargeable LED Lamps which could be used for lighting purpose at houses, working places and for travelling purposes. But in future after establishing the product in the market place it will use a product mix which will include more technological products such as solar power lights and etc. The product is differentiated to attract customers, through its unique feature of brightness which could be used to light and cover a vast area (more than 500 square feet) and the efficiency where the power saved for half an hour can be used for more than five hours. The current products in the market are less efficient and it cannot be used for the purpose of lighting a vast area, as most of the products related to this technology are small portable torch lights. The major risk of introducing a technological product is the emergence of new technologies. So company should be aware of the emerging new technologies and based on the consumer requirement, a continuous Line extension, Market Development, Product Development and Diversification strategies will be required to succeed in the business. According to this, it has planned to introduce a self charging unit in the forth coming periods. The introduction time of this new product will not be defined at present, in order to avoid product proliferation. 3. 5 Benefits of the Product The objective behind the firm’s strategy is to make business that satisfies the customers who do not have proper and adequate electricity facilities in their region. So the target customers are the people who are in the remote areas, mainly in hill countries and north and eastern province. Based on the preliminary study conducted, on target customers, it was identified that the main concern is lack of electricity facility and the amount of money that they can afford to obtain electricity facility through other means. The following benefits of the company’s product will full fill the above requirements and it is believed that, this is a competitive advantage of the firm compared to the other players in the industry. ? Compatibility and convenience: The product is designed with the intention that the users should be able to carry it easily where ever they go. So the weight of the unit will be less and the size is also reduced up to the maximum. ? Expensiveness: The product incorporates the emerging new technology of LED. This has helped the company to substantially reduce the production cost. So the final output of the product will be priced in accordance with the market price, while the firm can also reduce the distribution cost, import expense and intermediation cost. Because when a company import and sell a product, the producer, distributer and ultimately the importer has to make profit from the same unit. So the product normally will have more selling and distribution cost than the manufacturing cost. This huge disadvantage is purely eliminated from our product because it is a Sri Lankan product. So in this context the company will set the price well below the market price. So the customers can get a good quality product at a lower cost. ? Efficiency and durability: The main competitive advantage of the product is the efficient use of the product that is 30 minutes of recharge ime will enable the user to operate the unit for 300 minutes, which is comparatively high usage when comparing with other similar products in the industry. The other benefit is that we have incorporated two options to satisfy the customer needs, which is bright mode and active mode. This will further enhance the usage. ? Warranty claims: The Company will provide a one year warranty for the product. That is our company will bear all the repair and maintenance expenses of the product which is returned to us within one year from the sales date. It increases the reliability of the product among customers. ? Customer Support: In this industry normally after sales services are not a popular facility provided by the producer. So the company has planned to provide technical support to customers after the sales regarding the usage and warranty claims. This will be done through the telephone conversation and through the business agents. So this service provides an additional comfort with the company’s product. 3. 6 Trade Secrets and Patent Rights This is a very important area to be considered. But the firm is protected in this area because according to the initial market research there are very few Sri Lankan companies producing this type of products by importing the partly finished components and doing the latter part of the production (Assembling) in Sri Lanka. So there is no direct competitor for the firm in the current context. Bur the product may face Reverse Engineering in future. But this type of risks is common in this business area, so it is very difficult to protect this. But if the marketing team of the firm communicate the customers clearly, then it will be easier to promote the original products. The firm is sure that it has unique knowledge and skills about its product and the business, so this is the strongest competitive advantage of the firm and, it may not disclose it to others. As many would expect, this approach has its own issues like disclosure requirement, but many ventures have competed successfully this way. 3. 7 Stage of Development The product is in the prototype stage and the company has successfully completed the previous two stages of conceptual and design stages. It will be ready for marketing once it has started the business activities. And it is possible for the firm to grab the first mover advantage of this type of LED technology. 04. MARKET AND INDUSTY ANALYSIS Industry analysis and market analysis are two different ways to look at the environment in which a business competes. Although related, these two types of analysis differ in their scope. The purpose of the market and industry analysis is to identify the market opportunities for our product, LED rechargeable lights. LED lights are the next generation of lighting solutions which going to emerge in coming years. Therefore there will be a good opportunity for our product in future. 1. Market Analysis In todays technological world, we find a challenging and ever-expanding marketplace for almost any product or service. The role of the market analysis is to help guide the process of better understanding of the most important market segments, how fast the opportunity is growing, what are the key sustainable differentiations and why are these important. In this section we are going to discuss the following components: †¢ Target market segment strategy †¢ Market needs †¢ Market trends †¢ Market segmentation Overall market The lighting industry is in the early stages of shifting away from established technologies – fluorescent, incandescent, and high-intensity discharge (HID) lighting – toward light-emitting diodes (LEDs). Adoption rates of LED lighting are expected to grow in the coming years as the efficiency and quality of LEDs surpass those of competing technologies and as the price is low. Not only the quality and low price of LED rechargeable lights, people not having the comfort of using the electricity, especially like a country like Sri Lanka, also makes way for us to make a market appearance. Our market would be mainly based on North and central provinces as those areas have no regular and proper supply of electricity. Over the past few years the market for LED rechargeable lights has shown a growing trend and it is likely that the current trend will continue. Future development of the northern and eastern provinces may decline the demand for LED rechargeable lights in those areas as they may get the regular supply of electricity. But the increase in the price of electricity makes the market opportunity for LED rechargeable lights outshining as more people opt for cheap lighting systems. In future, growth in the market for LED rechargeable lights is highly anticipated and it will be made possible by rapidly decreasing LED prices, ever-increasing efficiencies and improved quality of light. Therefore the revenue is expected to increase and the future looks bright for LED rechargeable lights in the coming years. Addressable market Although our overall market covers northern, eastern and central provinces our main focus would be on the rural areas of these provinces, where there is no electricity facility or the supply of electricity is interrupted often. People who are in search of a way to minimize their cost for electricity will be also included in our addressable market. Segmentation We have identified our market segment as follows, †¢ Groups of customers: Our main customers would be people who have no regular access to electricity, low income earners and people who want to minimize their spending on electricity. †¢ Geography: First we would introduce our product in the local market giving more attention to northern, eastern and central provinces. †¢ Product features: Our LED rechargeable lights give more brightness with less power consumption. Benefits: Saves power, money and time. †¢ Prices: Our strategy would be cost leadership. We would produce the lights at a very low cost, add a profit margin to that and price our product at a low price. †¢ Distribution channel: We would distribute our product using direct distribution methods. There won’t be any intermediaries in our distribution chain. Entry point Our main target is to cater the people who have no electricity and people who are in search of an alternative to fulfill their need for light, with a proper lighting system. This would become an entry point for us as there are many people in Sri Lanka searching for a proper lighting system. And the recent hike in electricity prices has made many people seeking for a cheaper electricity solution as our product is cheap and power saving, this opportunity would pave the way for us to enter the market. 2. Industry Analysis Industry analysis is a vital part of the decision-making process in a business. A comprehensive industry analysis helps to take an objective view of the underlying forces, attractiveness, and success factors that determine the structure of the industry. Understanding the businesss operating environment in this way can help to formulate an effective strategy, position the business for success, and make the most efficient use of the limited resources of the small business. We are going to discuss the following sections in the industry analysis: †¢ Industry Description †¢ Industry Trends †¢ Industry Size and Attractiveness †¢ Profit Potential †¢ Target Market †¢ Competitive Position Industry analysis on LED Rechargeable Light The industry for LED rechargeable lights is very small with few manufacturers, therefore the competitors of our proposed product would be less and as a result of this, it is possible enter easily and cater the market need with cost effective, efficient solution. Another significant advantage over the product is there are no other manufacturers in Sri Lanka, who produce LED rechargeable lights. The prevailing competitors compete mainly on price and the technologies used by the competitors are relatively similar. The degree of competition is lower in the industry therefore the probability of success is comparatively higher for a new entrant in this market. Industry organization Majority of LED Rechargeable lights available in Sri Lanka are produced in Japan, China, Taiwan and India and there are few small assemblers in Sri Lanka. The products are mainly distributed via supermarket channels, LG Abans, Singer and small retail electronics shops and distribution is extensively made in main cities such as Colombo, Kandy, Galle suburban areas. There is less number of distribution points in Northern and Central Province and only the customers in the capital city are purchasing LED rechargeable lights. Value is created to the proposed product via operations, sales and marketing, service and usage of advanced technology. The competitive firms mainly use the above value adding activities to improve profit margin. Competitive Environment The competitive firms compete mainly on price and quality, and the introduction of new products is in a lower rate. Products are differentiated from one another mainly based on the number of LED bulbs used in light and priced accordingly. Customer support is given in the mean of quality warranty; in average one year service warranty is given by the competitive firms. Number of firms prevail in the market is very few, since the degree of rivalry is also low. A new entrant should compete mainly based on Quality (efficiency), Price (cost effective), and service excellence (Warranty) in order to survive and to attract more customers in the market. Since the market is dominated by imported goods the response to new entrants is slow and LED rechargeable lights are not sold many dealers in Sri Lanka. Market is highly fragmented and the competitors are traditional and old. There is high demand for Nippon products but its price extensively higher than other similar products The problems faced by the target customers due to the competitors’ products are a. Since the distribution channel is not well established in the target customers’ geographical area (Northern and Central Province), it is difficult for the customer to find the dealers to repair the product if any fault is identified in the product. b. Similar products available in the market are less efficient in case of electricity consumption (high electricity consumption when charging), charging life is lesser than mentioned in the product catalogue, and the power is lesser than expected. c. Price of the product is high and the target customer segment find it difficult to purchase LED rechargeable light even though they have a need of it. Barriers to Entry When a new venture enters into the LED rechargeable lights industry it has to mainly face the following barriers from its competitive forces. a. Competitors such as Nippon, Kanchen are well established firms in the international market and equipped with advanced technologies therefore these firms will enjoy economies of scale and at the initial stage our firm has to incur comparatively more costs for technology, product designing and manufacturing. Therefore at the initial stage product efficiency and manufacturing efficiency is vital. b. There are some well established brands in the market and customers are loyal to those brands but the price of those brands are relatively higher therefore target customers may not be able to afford that higher price. c. Distribution channel of the product is not well established in the target geographical area therefore there are no competitors who have control over the channel. d. Switching cost for the proposed product relatively higher since the current market price of the competitors’ product. Even though there is an opportunity for the new entrants since the distribution channel of existing products is not reached to the target customer segment. Control over industry Competition of LED rechargeable lights are mainly based on price therefore pricing should be made in the way of value adding and it is important to set price lower than industry average. The bargaining power of customers is higher since they prefer cost effective solution. Suppliers of the raw material have more power since at the initial stage the production volume is low therefore it is difficult to obtain discounts from the supplier by bargaining. Competitive advantage can be gained only through effective production process. Existing competitors are mainly using indirect channels to distribute; it would be successful if proposed product adopts direct means of distribution. Competition prevailing in the industry. There is no aggressive competition in the market and proposed product is the pioneer locally produced product in the industry. The direct competitors in LED rechargeable light industry are Nippon, Kanchan and Orbit and few small importers. a. Nippon LED Rechargeable Lights Nippon LED rechargeable lights are the products of Nippon Electric Company (NEC), Japan. It is a well reputed brand in Sri Lanka and the products are imported by Nippon Lanka (pvt) Ltd. The distribution of products made via its showroom in Bambalapitiya and through super market chains (Arpico, Keells Super), customers are loyal to the product since they perceive it has good quality than the products available in the market. Nippon Lanka doesn’t have sellers in the Central and Northern Province. b. Kanchan Rechargeable Lights Kanchan is an Indian product and price is relatively cheaper than Nippon but the technology used by Knachan is different since the major technology used is Fluorescent Bulbs and these bulbs are comparatively inefficient than LED. The main mean of distribution is online selling and it is not reached in the rural areas of Sri Lanka. c. Orbit Star LED Rechargeable Light Orbit Star is a product from Orbit and it uses online selling as a major source of distribution to reach the target customer (www. anything. lk and www. topshop. lk), the accessibility of internet is poor in Central and Northern Province. Indirect competitors of LED rechargeable light would be the producers of Solar Power Lights, Kerosene, Dynamo, Bio gas but the above substitutes are inefficient and expensive than proposed product. Future potential competitors would be the producers who are using advanced technologies such as NANO and OLED. Opportunity Based on the market and industry analysis there is a need for efficient, environmental friendly, cost effective, environmental friendly LED rechargeable lamp especially in Northern and Central Province. The weakness of the competitors will be used as an additional feature in order to capture the market via prevailing opportunities.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Free Essays on Effectively Managing Performancing
Effectively Managing Performance â€Å" Discussing and Creating Techniques for Getting Results Through Others†I. Introduction II. Discuss Performance a. Find the purpose of managing performance b. The importance of managing performance in a corporation on the managers and employees look on this subject c. What are some issues of performance planning/management III. Research development and Career planning to better employee’s performance. What plans to stick with or throw away? a. Information of large companies in the same industry as the company where I work. b. Information of large companies in a different industry as the company where I work. IV. Research what experts recommend creating an effective performance plan. V. Components of the performance management process a. Objective setting Effectively Managing Performance â€Å"Discussing and Creating Techniques for Getting Results Through Others†b. Appraisal c. Coaching and feedback d. Pay for performance e. Development/ career planning VI. How this performance plan will work in a corporation VII. Conclusion Introduction Performance, the maker or breaker of promotions, raises, recognition, and so much more, to me is what my job is based on. In this paper I plan to discuss, evaluate, and hopefully design a performance management outline for those whose lives depend on their performance. I plan to discuss ways to help employees make the numbers to better their performance. Performance management is not only the employee’s responsibility to improve but the supervisors as well. Many corporations base a manager’s bonus and even their raises on their employee’s statistics at the company. This is done basically to see if that manager is doing their job. Managers are there to guide workers for high goal settings and achievements, help them to advance and pursue bigger and better things within the co... Free Essays on Effectively Managing Performancing Free Essays on Effectively Managing Performancing Effectively Managing Performance â€Å" Discussing and Creating Techniques for Getting Results Through Others†I. Introduction II. Discuss Performance a. Find the purpose of managing performance b. The importance of managing performance in a corporation on the managers and employees look on this subject c. What are some issues of performance planning/management III. Research development and Career planning to better employee’s performance. What plans to stick with or throw away? a. Information of large companies in the same industry as the company where I work. b. Information of large companies in a different industry as the company where I work. IV. Research what experts recommend creating an effective performance plan. V. Components of the performance management process a. Objective setting Effectively Managing Performance â€Å"Discussing and Creating Techniques for Getting Results Through Others†b. Appraisal c. Coaching and feedback d. Pay for performance e. Development/ career planning VI. How this performance plan will work in a corporation VII. Conclusion Introduction Performance, the maker or breaker of promotions, raises, recognition, and so much more, to me is what my job is based on. In this paper I plan to discuss, evaluate, and hopefully design a performance management outline for those whose lives depend on their performance. I plan to discuss ways to help employees make the numbers to better their performance. Performance management is not only the employee’s responsibility to improve but the supervisors as well. Many corporations base a manager’s bonus and even their raises on their employee’s statistics at the company. This is done basically to see if that manager is doing their job. Managers are there to guide workers for high goal settings and achievements, help them to advance and pursue bigger and better things within the co...
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Premise Definition and Examples in Arguments
Premise Definition and Examples in Arguments A premise is a proposition upon which an argument is based or from which a conclusion is drawn. Put another way, a premise includes the reasons and evidence behind a conclusion, says A premise may be either the major or the minor proposition of a syllogism- an argument in which two premises are made and a logical conclusion is drawn from them- in a deductive argument. Merriam-Webster gives this example of a major and minor premise (and conclusion): All mammals are warmblooded [major premise]; whales are mammals [minor premise]; therefore, whales are warmblooded [conclusion]. The term premise comes from medieval Latin, meaning things mentioned before. In philosophy as well as fiction and nonfiction writing, the premise follows largely the same pattern as that defined in Merriam-Webster. The premise- the thing or things that came before- lead (or fail to lead) to a logical resolution in an argument or story. Premises in Philosophy To understand what a premise is in philosophy, it helps to understand how the field defines an argument, says Joshua May, an associate professor of philosophy at the University of Alabama, Birmingham. In philosophy, an argument is not concerned with disputes among people; it is a set of propositions that contain premises offered to support a conclusion, he says, adding: A premise is a proposition one offers in support of a conclusion. That is, one offers a premise as evidence for the truth of the conclusion, as justification for or a reason to believe the conclusion. May offers this example of a major and minor premise, as well as a conclusion, that echoes the example from Merriam-Webster: All humans are mortal. [major premise]G.W. Bush is a human. [minor premise]Therefore, G.W. Bush is mortal. [conclusion] May notes that the validity of an argument in philosophy (and in general) depends on the accuracy and truth of the premise or premises. For example, May gives this example of a bad (or inaccurate) premise: All women are Republican. [major premise: false]Hilary Clinton is a woman. [minor premise: true]Therefore, Hilary Clinton is a Republican. [conclusion: false] The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy says that an argument can be valid if it follows logically from its premises, but the conclusion can still be wrong if the premises are incorrect: However, if the premises are true, then the conclusion is also true, as a matter of logic.​​ In philosophy, then, the process of creating premises and carrying them through to a conclusion involves logic and deductive reasoning. Other areas provide a similar, but slightly different, take when defining and explaining premises. Premises in Writing For nonfiction writing, the term premise carries largely the same definition as in philosophy. Purdue OWL notes that a premise or premises are integral parts of constructing an argument. Indeed, says the language website operated by Purdue University, the very definition of an argument is that it is an assertion of a conclusion based on logical premises. Nonfiction writing uses the same terminology as in philosophy, such as syllogism, which Purdue OWL describes as the simplest sequence of logical premises and conclusions. Nonfiction writers use a premise or premises as the backbone of a piece such as an editorial, opinion article, or even a letter to the editor of a newspaper. Premises are also useful for developing and writing an outline for a debate. Purdue gives this example: Nonrenewable resources do not exist in infinite supply. [premise 1]Coal is a nonrenewable resource. [premise 2]Coal does not exist in infinite supply. [conclusion] The only difference in nonfiction writing versus the use of premises in philosophy is that nonfiction writing generally does not distinguish between major and minor premises. Fiction writing also uses the concept of a premise but in a different way, and not one connected with making an argument. James M. Frey, as quoted on Writers Digest, notes: The premise is the foundation of your story- that single core statement of what happens to the characters as a result of the actions of a story.†The writing website gives the example of the story The Three Little Pigs, noting that the premise is: â€Å"Foolishness leads to death, and wisdom leads to happiness.†The well-known story does not seek to create an argument, as is the case in philosophy and nonfiction writing. Instead, the story itself is the argument, showing how and why the premise is accurate, says Writers Digest: If you can establish what your premise is at the beginning of your project, you will have an easier time writing your story. Thats because the fundamental concept you create in advance will drive the actions of your characters. Its the characters- and to some degree the plot- that prove or disprove the premise of the story. Other Examples The use of premises is not limited to philosophy and writing. The concept can also be useful in science, such as in the study of genetics or biology versus environment, which is also known as the nature-versus-nurture debate. In Logic and Philosophy: A Modern Introduction, Alan Hausman, Howard Kahane, and Paul Tidman give this example: Identical twins often have different IQ test scores. Yet such twins inherit the same genes. So environment must play some part in determining IQ. In this case, the argument consists of three statements: Identical twins often have different IQ scores. [premise]Identical twins inherit the same genes. [premise]The environment must play some part in determining IQ. [conclusion] The use of the premise even reaches into religion and theological arguments. Michigan State University (MSU) gives this example: God exists, for the world is an organized system and all organized systems must have a creator. The creator of the world is God. The statements provide reasons why God exists, says MSU. The argument of the statements can be organized into premises and a conclusion. Premise 1: The world is an organized system.Premise 2: Every organized system must have a creator.Conclusion: The creator of the world is God. Consider the Conclusion You can use the concept of the premise in countless areas, so long as each premise is true and relevant to the topic. The key to laying out a premise or premises (in essence, constructing an argument) is to remember that premises are assertions that, when joined together, will lead the reader or listener to a given conclusion, says the San Jose State University Writing Center, adding: The most important part of any premise is that your audience will accept it as true. If your audience rejects even one of your premises, they will likely also reject your conclusion, and your entire argument will fall apart.​ Consider the following assertion: â€Å"Because greenhouse gases are causing the atmosphere to warm at a rapid rate...†The San Jose State writing lab notes that whether this is a solid premise depends on your audience: If your readers are members of an environmental group, they will accept this premise without qualms. If your readers are oil company executives, they may reject this premise and your conclusions. When developing one or more premises, consider the rationales and beliefs not just of your audience but also of your opponents, says San Jose State. After all, your whole point in making an argument is not just to preach to a like-minded audience but to convince others of the correctness of your point of view. Determine what givens†you accept that your opponents do not, as well as where two sides of an argument can find common ground. That point is where you will find effective premises to reach your conclusion, the writing lab notes. Source Hausman, Alan. Logic and Philosophy: A Modern Introduction. Howard Kahane, Paul Tidman, 12th Edition, Cengage Learning, January 1, 2012.
Friday, February 14, 2020
The film Super Size Me Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The film Super Size Me - Essay Example My current fast food intake is once or twice per month. The fast food restaurant is usually McDonald's or a local fast food place called Pop's, which serves burgers and Italian beef sandwiches. The first fact I would like to mention is that obesity is now second only to smoking as the leading cause of death in America. Obesity is a common problem in the United States, as many Americans are sedentary in their jobs, and do not make time for or do not have time for exercise. On top of this, as a nation we are consuming a mass amount of junk food as well as frequenting fast food restaurants with regularity. This is unhealthy. From a nutrition standpoint, we should be cooking more meals at home, which is healthier, and trying to eat balanced diets which include fresh fruits and vegetables, a small portion of meat if that is acceptable, and whole grains, with a minimum amount of fat which isn't trans fat or polyunsaturated fat. An emphasis should be placed on a balanced diet with a certain number of small fats and oils in the diet, which are necessary for the absorption of vitamins A, D, E, and K. Obesity is a problem in America not just because of the fact that people are not g etting enough exercise. The diseases that come along with obesity-such as heart attack, stroke, and diabetes-are all risk factors that one engenders when one is not at a healthy weight. At the current rate, one in three children born today are at risk of developing diabetes. That is an alarming rate that we should be worried about as a nation. One of the obese men in Super Size Me was getting laparascopic surgery to reduce the size of his stomach and to eliminate his diabetic problems. He admitted to drinking two gallons of diet soda per day. That is a red flag right there, but it leads me to my next point, which is a continuing problem: the proliferation of sugared candies and sodas. Here is a second astonishing fact. According to Super Size Me, the average American child sees 10,000 food advertisements on television per year, and ninety-five percent of those are for sugared cereals, soft drinks, or candy. Advertising for McDonald's and soda and candy companies, according to the movie, was obviously tremendously high. Children didn't know who Jesus were but they sure knew who Ronald McDonald was! That just goes to show the power of advertising. The danger of advertising these high-fructose products to kids are that they will get addicted at an early age to sugar, and that will feed into a life-long need for candy and sodas that will breed itself in adulthood. It is a precursor to medical conditions that are silent killers-cancer, heart failure, stroke, and diabetes. Now, here is fact number three. Each day, one in four Americans visits a fast food restaurant, and 46 million visit McDonald's daily-that is more people than the population of Spain. The fact that so many people
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Bertrand Russell Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Bertrand Russell - Essay Example Family is the unit of the society and a happy and contented family is an asset for the nation. I am willing to applaud that individual who has worked for his family all through his life. This is virtuous living, for he lives for a noble cause. Viewpoint of Russell: According to Russell, in such conditions, an individual need not work and such an individual must spend from his earnings, and should not save, as saved money leads to unemployment, and spent money generates employment. My response: This problem arises when philosophers try to become economists and make an attempt to advise the Finance Ministers! Job satisfaction is a psychological virtue, as such earning money and saving with a purpose, are alternative beats of the same heart. Viewpoint of Russell: â€Å"If the ordinary wage-earner worked four hours a day, there would be enough for everybody and no unemployment -- assuming a certain very moderate amount of sensible organization. This idea shocks the well-to-do, because they are convinced that the poor would not know how to use so much leisure.†(p.5) My response: I agree on this issue partially. The important point is how one will spend the remaining 20 hours. One is not expected to sleep for more than 8 hoursâ€â€that will be inviting idleness. Recreation for the remaining 12 hours of the day on a long term basis is impossibility. I will be bored of such a recreation. For example, suppose an individual likes ice cream. The first cup is fine; the second one is good; the third one is tolerable. The fourth one, that individual will vomit!! As such happiness is not in free time, but spending the time
Friday, January 24, 2020
A Pioneer Of American Writing Willa Cather :: essays research papers fc
A Pioneer of American Writing      Willa Cather was born in Virginia in 1873, but moved to Nebraska where the population was diverse. She attended school and also was educated at home. She planned on becoming a doctor early in life. She accompanied a local doctor on his house calls and assisted in many of the examinations. By the time she entered college this was her future. The University of Nebraska accepted her but she had to pay her tuition through writing criticism for the Nebraska State Journal. This is when her career took a change.      After college Willa Cather moved to Pennsylvania where she started to write for a magazine. She also taught Latin and English in a high school. She moved again to New York where she wrote for McClure’s magazine. While researching an article in Boston, another author, Sarah Orne Jewett, saw the talent that Cather possessed. Cather was advised, â€Å"find [her] own centre of life, and write from that to the world†(Jewett). Her childhood is where she found this. She visited her brother in Arizona and on her way home she stayed in her hometown in Nebraska to refresh her memories. Cather then went back to Greenwich Village to live where she wrote almost all of her novels. She died in 1947 after writing ten novels, short stories, and a book of essays.      Willa Cather contributed much to the world of literature. â€Å"Willa Cather wrote a graceful, measured prose that gives immense dignity to her fiction†(Ludwig 16). She reached the climax of her writing career with the novel, Death Comes for the Archbishop. The novel was written in 1927. It shows the importance of the Roman Catholic Church in her life. The characters, Bishop Latour and Father Vaillant, are French clerics. They want to spread the Word of God to the Native Americans living in the Southwest, mainly in the state of New Mexico. They face many difficulties on their missionary journey. The Spanish living in the region are corrupt and unfair. The land is also difficult for them because it is harsh and not arable. It is also difficult for them to preach their message because the Indians are of another religion. They do become successful though in achieving their goal of conversion. With detailed recreation of the hard ships of the early church in the New World, Willa Cather also displays her characters as being smart and intellectual. A Pioneer Of American Writing Willa Cather :: essays research papers fc A Pioneer of American Writing      Willa Cather was born in Virginia in 1873, but moved to Nebraska where the population was diverse. She attended school and also was educated at home. She planned on becoming a doctor early in life. She accompanied a local doctor on his house calls and assisted in many of the examinations. By the time she entered college this was her future. The University of Nebraska accepted her but she had to pay her tuition through writing criticism for the Nebraska State Journal. This is when her career took a change.      After college Willa Cather moved to Pennsylvania where she started to write for a magazine. She also taught Latin and English in a high school. She moved again to New York where she wrote for McClure’s magazine. While researching an article in Boston, another author, Sarah Orne Jewett, saw the talent that Cather possessed. Cather was advised, â€Å"find [her] own centre of life, and write from that to the world†(Jewett). Her childhood is where she found this. She visited her brother in Arizona and on her way home she stayed in her hometown in Nebraska to refresh her memories. Cather then went back to Greenwich Village to live where she wrote almost all of her novels. She died in 1947 after writing ten novels, short stories, and a book of essays.      Willa Cather contributed much to the world of literature. â€Å"Willa Cather wrote a graceful, measured prose that gives immense dignity to her fiction†(Ludwig 16). She reached the climax of her writing career with the novel, Death Comes for the Archbishop. The novel was written in 1927. It shows the importance of the Roman Catholic Church in her life. The characters, Bishop Latour and Father Vaillant, are French clerics. They want to spread the Word of God to the Native Americans living in the Southwest, mainly in the state of New Mexico. They face many difficulties on their missionary journey. The Spanish living in the region are corrupt and unfair. The land is also difficult for them because it is harsh and not arable. It is also difficult for them to preach their message because the Indians are of another religion. They do become successful though in achieving their goal of conversion. With detailed recreation of the hard ships of the early church in the New World, Willa Cather also displays her characters as being smart and intellectual.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Markerting Concept Coca Cola
This is assignment will require to explain the underlying principles behind the main marketing theories, it will also require an in-depth application, analysis and evaluation of a good or service that is currently available both in the UK market and in the international market. The Product that will be analyses within the assignment is The Coca Cola Company (CCC). [pic] â€Å"Business idea or philosophy based on the importance of profit, consumer satisfaction and the welfare of the general public. †[5] Collin, P (1997)The Coca Cola Company is one the biggest successful soft drink company that offers 3,500 various diverse products to over 200 countries worldwide. The company originated in 1889 by pharmacist Dr John Pemberton. Dr Pemberton carried out a jug of Coca Cola syrup at his Jacob Pharmacy in Atlanta USA. [3] Marketing Mix Marketing mix can be defined as the combination of elements in an organisation’s offering the market; ‘offerings’ being either pr oducts or service. These elements were identified as Product, Price, Place and Promotion in early versions of the mix. As result, they are known as the Four Ps. [pic] [1] (2008).Portfolio. Product The marketing mix combines many factors, but consumers view marketing effort in more tangible terms of the product. It is important for marketers to recognise that much of the ‘want-satisfying’ nature of the product is derived from consumers perceptions. The true nature of the product is how the consumer perceives it, and not what the company would like it to be. CCC product first started in 1886, when they were originally made as soda fountain drink. The company has now expanded over to 3,500 diverse product (see picture above). They offer a wide range product form soft drinks to tea drinks to bottle water.The typical famous packaging of red and white CCC products is a world recognised. The coca cola company is the most sold soft drink across worldwide. Its not only sold busi ness to business (b2b) such as sold in restaurants, pubs and convenience stores but also sold business to consumer (b2c) such as supermarkets, vending machines and other service shops. [3] Price Price is a potent element of the marketing mix because of its direct impact on customers, the company and the economy. To the consumer, price is a major indication of quality and an important factor in the decision making process.For CCC, the price at which the product is sold represents the means of recouping cost and making profit. There are various ways to price coca cola product, depending on the retailer. Supermarkets may put coca cola on promotion one week and then Pepsi the following, as they always like to stay one step ahead of their competition. It is a way to keep consumers on their toes. There is no set price for CCC, but usually the prices are based on growing rates. [8] p27 Place Place concerns activities need to move the product from the seller to the buyer and its origin is i n the word ‘placement’.The coca cola company sell their various products over numerous countries worldwide. They have more brand products than Pepsi, Tango RC Cola put together. Although coca cola produces the product, they cannot be held responsible how the products are distributed across the countries. They can only rely on the suppliers following the strict guidelines set out by coca cola. [8] p31 Promotion Promotion is perhaps the element of the marketing mix that is most subject to variation. For some product it may play a minimal role, but, for other, marketing strategy may be almost entirely based on promotion.In consumer markets, promotion often has the highest budget allocation of all mix elements. For this reason it receives much attention as a marketing function. CCC promotional strategies are to make the consumers think they have control over what they are drinking and accomplishing there needs of thirst. On each bottle, coca cola encourages consumers to go to their website to learn more about hydration, sweeteners and taste. In order to boost consumer usage, CCC have taken their product to foreign markets and increased their profit margin.This was also done as they had home market competitors such as Pepsi, going international will make there brand more recognisable. CCC believes in forceful advertisements, branding and market segmentation has been a big accomplishment to CCC. Since the early 70’s they have always exposed themselves as fun, loving, playful brand to have an international appeal. [8] p29 In 1887 Coupon were first made to promote coca cola [pic] [2] (2012). 125 years of sharing happiness Customer Relationship Management CCC cannot succeed or grow unless they can serve their customers with a better value proposition than the competition.Measuring customer loyalty can accurately appraise the weakness in CCC proposition and help to formulate improvements. In fact, attempting to measure customer satisfaction and facto ring research information on satisfaction studies into future marketing strategies is one of the fastest growing areas of marketing research. Customer care is fundamental to the concept in customer relationship management (CRM). High quality customer care is the key to achieving coca cola objective confronting all competitive firms trying to apply CRM principles, such as: ? Minimising customer turnover. Attracting new customers. ? Retaining customers over the long term. ? Improving profitability. ? Enhancing company image. ? Improving customer and employee satisfaction. With a strong CRM team, coco cola are still strong as ever, they evaluated every feedback they receive from their customers with shows they are always trying to meet the consumers needs by not only improving for the future but to keep up with the current trends. [8] p120-123 External Environmental Trading environment analysis requires CCC to look beyond its immediate market to its wider trading environment.One helpfu l abbreviation in analysing the trading environment is PEST. The initial letters stand for the Political, Economic, Social and Technological environment. The Political environment includes possible changes to law and regulation governing the markets in which coca cola is operating. Possible changes in government policy, such as new legislation or regulation of food and drinking products. Or even government involvement in labelling and advertisements. If all this was to be changed and affect coca cola, it will create more operating expense and reduce the profit margin.The Economic environment refers to trends in the world economy, and those in particular national market. CCC must be particularly to those that most affect its own business. As CCC is trading worldwide, the range of economic indicators, which it tracks, might include: ? Contracts with other soft drink industries. ? Maintain a Profitable investment in communities worldwide. ? The United Kingdom has recently experienced a n economic recession. This period of negative growth includes higher unemployment, inflation, and cost of living expenses while consumers are experiencing lower disposable income and purchasing power. CCC has been very successful in helping other nations grow and become economically stable by investing millions of Pounds back into the countries in which they are operating. The Social Environment refers to trend in the structure of society and in behaviour and is the focus of much of what is called market research. CCC have developed numerous products to suit consumer’s trends. For example, a lot of consumers are health conscious, so bringing out diet coke encouraged them to drink the brand. However, a lot of people saw the drink very girly so it soon was perceived as girls drink, as there’s no calories involved with the drink.Soon coca cola brought out Coke Zero, a similar drink but for men. It has now become one of the best selling drink worldwide. CCC are continuing to follow and keep updated with the product development and marketing for healthy choice obtainable. The Technological environment is that concerned with the use of raw materials, production processes and finished products, and particularly with innovation. Such as CCC is the soft drink industry; the development of a plastic material has reduced the use of glass bottle dramatically. CCC also have threats technological.For this, they implement more investments in their research department so they can progress monitoring of the sales, production and delivery process between themselves and other soft drink companies’. [7] p18-19 Purchase Decision There are three way of purchase decision for CCC: Straight re-purchase = this is the most frequent type of purchase. The consumer repeats – buys a CCC product purchased on previous occasion. This occurs most frequently in circumstances in which a consumer is loyal to a brand and is reluctant to try an alternative.Modified re-purc hase = this occurs when a consumer needs to change their behaviour. This might be because the habitual brand is out-of-stock and a near substitute is selected; it might be prompted by the changed needs of the consumer; it might be promoted by the updating of an existing product; it might be prompted by promotional activity by a competing product. New purchase = this refers to that category of purchase, which is being made for the first time. Here promotion plays a key role in stimulating demand for products, notifying consumer of their availability, and in reassuring consumer about their purchase. 7] p57 Competitive Environment The competitive environment affects the commercial prosperity of a company. Many UK manufactures in industries like steel and textile have experience intense competition from foreign product. Management team must be alert to potential threats from cheaper import or substitute products and establish exactly who their competitors are and the benefits they offer to the marketplace so they can compete more effectively. [8] p17 Two indicator of enormous importance to a management teams are market share and market growth.Market share is a term, which refers to the proportion of total sales for one product group, which is, enjoy by a particular brand. According to Stephen Page book to Induction to marketing CCC enjoyed 58 per cent share of the total sales of cola drink in the UK in 1992. According to Best Global Brand CCC is ranked number one, valued just over $71 Billion. Leaving their main competitors Pepsi ranked at number 22nd, only valued at $14 million. [6] Buyer Behaviour CCC needs to know when, where, how and why soft drinks are purchased.They need to know who is making the purchase and what factors influence those decisions. In particular, they examine buyer behaviour to look for patterns, which may give a clue to future behaviour, as well as explanation for the existence of those patterns. Buyer term refers not only to someone who is buying for own consumption, but also to anyone who buys on behalf of others. For example, it could be an adult of a household buying on behalf of a child. Buyer behaviour in business-to-business market is an area that has not been as well researched as consumer behaviour.First it is because these markets are often much smaller than consumer markets, and would not therefore justify the production of off-the-shelf data by commercial agencies. Hence not as much research has been undertaken. Secondly, industrial buying decision-maker has been more difficult to research and categories than consumer. However, interest is now growing in the subject. [7] p56 Market Segmentation Marketing segmentation is the analysis of total demand in a market into its constituent parts, so that different sets of consumers, with distinctive needs and behavior patterns, can be identified.Market segmentation is defined as: â€Å"The process of breaking down the total market for a product or service into dis tinct sub-group or segments, where each segment might represent a distinct target market to be reached with a distinctive marketing mix. †[8] Lancaster G & Reynolds P (2002). Marketing made simple p38 To improve opportunities for success in a competitive marketplace, marketers must focus their efforts on clearly defines market targets. The intention is to select those groups of customers that the company is best able to serve so that competitive pressure is minimized. The advantages of CCC target marketing are: Marketing opportunities and ‘gaps’ in a market may be more accurately identified and appraised. ? Product and market appeals can be more finely tuned to the needs of the potential customer. ? Marketing effort can be focused on the market segments that offer the greatest potential for the company to achieve its objective. Previously in the 1960s, CCC made only one soft drink and proposed it at the entire soft drink market. But now CCC offers thousands of di fferent products to market segments based on diverse consumer preferences for flavours and calorie and caffeine content. CCC offers established soft drinks.One can see the many dimensions of CCC product line and how specific the marketing mixes have to be to stay competitive among other businesses. [8] p39 Market Planning At one extreme are those that plan everything down to the smallest detail, and adhere rigidly to the plan document, even when it does not appear to be working, perhaps because the plan is based upon inaccurate information or incorrect assumption. In an ideal situation, the evolution of an organisation marketing strategy and tactics will be top-down, bottom-up process; that is, one, which involves staff at all, levels from director to office junior.It will be an integral part of the organisations operation, and not simply a panic reaction to a crisis. It will be flexible enough to permit immediately workable ideas to be put into practice, without waiting for the fin al plan to be drawn up. It should not be cast in tablets of stone; if circumstances change during implementation of the plan, then the plan must change to. [7] p232 International Marketing from Domestic Marketing Companies that only ten years ago might have identified their main competitor as major domestic rival are now just as likely to refer to an company inEurope, USA or the Far East. Some organization outgrew their home market years ago, and now make most of their money outside their original national boundaries, to that extent, Corporations like CCC have become almost stateless, owing no allegiance to any particular country: their markets are global. International marketing does not differ fundamentally from domestic marketing; the same principal are involved. It differs only in that overseas markets, being both further away and containing consumer from other cultures, pose a higher degree of risk than those of known markets.Successful entry into an overseas market thus requir es even greater care and attention to planning. Ironically, most company enters oversea markets because they have surplus production that they want to dispose of. If, however, a business cannot sell its products at home, it is unlikely to be able to do so internationally. There is world of difference between simple exporting, and a proper approach to international marketing. [7] p216-217 For CCC, selling oversea is attractive because it enlarges their market beyond the confines of the nation state.However, there are other benefits too, including: ? Opportunities for growth, higher earning and higher profits. ? The spreading of risk, by reducing dependency upon any one national market. ? The spreading of fix cost across increases sales. ? Competitors’ brand can be attacked in their own home market. ? An CCC competitive edge is sharpened, by it being required to compete with the best in the world. ? The contribution to CCC feel good factor if it succeeds. Conclusion CCC believe s to drive the brand to the fullest success it can go.It will adapt to any changes for new products if it requires to society and consumers Sometime for consumer product change is good for international marketing. It is vital that the right product is made to suit consumers’ preference. CCC soft drinks did not appeal to the Japanese market; this meant CCC produced a product that the Japanese, Asian market would prefer. This was Asian tea, English tea, coffee and fermented-milk drink. Coke zero was brought out for the attention of men who where health conscious. Coke zero sounded less feminine like diet coke.CCC has shown that they will continue altering, improving and producing new ideas to attract to local taste. The CCC are always one step ahead of their game with their marketing effort. This has led them to profit throughout the years of developing into a billion dollar company. Their belief of being the best soft drink company worldwide has been their biggest accomplishme nt. CCC are not only involved with the best advertisement and marketing soft drinks, but also a difference in every corner of the world in which they operate.The Coca-Cola Company strives to go beyond simple marketing and reach into the hearts and lives of consumers. Bibliography [1] (2008). Portfolio. Available: http://www. thecoca-colacompany. com/citizenship/portfolio. html. Last accessed 25th Jan 2012. [2] (2012). 125 years of sharing happiness. Available: http://www. thecoca-colacompany. com/heritage/pdf/Coca-Cola_125_years_booklet. pdf. Last accessed 1st Feb 201 [3] (2012). Heritage. Available: http://www. thecoca-colacompany. com/heritage/ourheritage. html. Last accessed 1st Feb 2012. [4] (2012). Product Line. Available: http://www. hecoca-colacompany. com/brands/brandlist. html. Last accessed 1st Feb 2012 [5] Collin, P (1997). Dictionary of Marketing. 2nd ed. Middlesex: Peter Collins Publishing. p129 [6] Interbrand. (2011). Best Global Brand. Available: http://www. rankingth ebrands. com/The-Brand-Rankings. aspx? rankingID=37&year=368. Last accessed 1st Feb 2012. [7] Page, S (1995). Introductory Marketing. Cheltenham: Stanley Thornes LTD. P18- 19, 40, 43,56-58, 72-76, 232-234 [8] Lancaster G & Reynolds P (2002). Marketing made simple. Oxford: Butterworth- Heinemann. P14-18, 27-31,38-39, 120-123
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