Monday, December 23, 2019
Various Factors of Intercultural Encounters Essay
Class discussion and analysis has been centered on interactions between Africans, African Americans, Europeans, and European Americans. Through various texts and genres, the class has been shown various intercultural encounters that have shaped the perceptions of the people of the twenty-first century. Many factors play a role in intercultural encounters. This paper examines three such factors: race, gender, and education. Examination of these three factors will ultimately give the reader choices to choose out of when deciding what factor is the most responsible for shaping the intercultural encounters that have been presented in class texts. When looking at intercultural encounters, it is important to keep in mind the complexity†¦show more content†¦Gender degradation is bad in and of itself. When added with the fact that Tambu is a young African women, whose race is already degraded, the uphill battle that Tambu faces is tremendous. The gender inequality here is a form of the power dynamic system discussed above. The superior figure here is Babamakuru. Not only is he superior because he is a male, but also because he is educated; education that came from the white man’s ways. It is then important to note that race is not always in direct relation with an intercultural encounter. For example, Babamakuru and Tambu are both Africans. However, one has been acclimated to the white man’s ways. Moreover, that acclimation is actually what Edward Blyden discusses in great detail in his essay â€Å"The Aims and Methods of a Liberal Education for Africans.†Says Blyden: â€Å"They (Africans) attempt to copy and imitate them, and share the fate of all copyists and imitators. Bound to move on a lower level, they acquire and retain a practical inferiority, transcribing very often the faults rather than the virtues of their models†(Blyden, 65).Inferiority. The common denominator that all blacks have. 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